Jumbo Quail from Vermont
Cavendish Game Birds
Regular price
$ 78.00
Not all quail are created equal. These are the Jumbo Quail. Up in Vermont, Cavendish has selectively bred, over the last 25 years, a Coturnix (aka Pharoah or Japenese) quail that are 25% plus larger. The farm and its birds are also all natural, and never-ever antibiotic exposed. The birds are grown out langer than most to ensure a developed finish (fat layer beneath the skin) that delivers a moist and flavorful bird. These are the preferred Quail used in the nation's most venerable restaurants.
Semi Boneless: ll of the bones in Cavendish Game Birds’ semi-boneless quail have been removed except for the wing and lower leg. Sleeve or glove boning the bird leaves the skin intact, making it perfect for stuffing—from a traditional bread stuffing to foie gras and truffles. This product is excellent for grilling and sautéing. Sure to impress your family and guests.
Oven ready Semi Boneless Stuffed Quail: This quail is stuffed with a savory stuffing and topped with a Vermont Smoked Maple Butter sauce. Truly a crowd pleaser. Each bird comes in its own aluminum tray for cooking. Easy to follow cooking instructions printed on each label. Enjoy!
Whole Jumbo Quail: Whole quail that are plump enough to be less intimidating when approached by a knife and fork! They can be served with or without stuffings or carved off the bone. These larger, whole birds are perfect for chefs who like to do their own meat fabrication. Most meats taste and cook the best when left on the bone—Cavendish Game Birds’ quail are no exception.